Gofujoo Bomber

Hiragana for Gofujoo Bomber



Anime Wallpaper

Ayumi Wallpaper

Misc. Wallpaper



Knights Profiles

Animated Gifs


Fan Art

Fan Fic.

Message Board

Links & Search

 ICQ-Plus/Winamp Skins

Ayumi's Discography

Fantasy Universe

E-Mail Me ~_^

ICQ #: 45164613

IM: Gofujoo1

Coming Soon

I guess it is time to figure out what to put on the site now that my entire MP3 site has
been deleted as well as my account.  I would love to hear opinions from those that still
visit.  You can either E-Mail me or just leave a post on the Message Board.

New Additions

I am spending the majority of my time working on the Message Board and would like everybody to check it out and let me know what you think.

Knights Web Ring.  Join today!

Last Update 5-4-01

Knights Anime/ J-Pop/Comics Forum

This is the place to share your ideas with the other maniacs that come to 
this and the other Knights sites.  We have plenty of topics for everyone. 
Anime/Manga, J-Pop/Rock, comics/cartoons, action figures, sci-fi/fantasy, 
song lyrics, wrestling, books, poetry, complaints and general Bullcrap.

I think you get the idea. ~_^

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and children of all ages.  Welcome 
to my eclectic Hell.
About the Site

I am heavily into Anime and J-Pop, so that is what you will find here.

Be sure to check out the entire site and not just the download areas.  Such 
as, the,Fan Art-and,Fiction,sections.  The,Message Board,is where any 
comments or ideas that you would care to share with each other or myself 
will be posted.  There is also a C4 search engine on the links page, for your convenience.

For those of you looking for Ayumi Hamasaki: music and pictures, well look 
no further.  Just go to the MP3s,,Midis,,Ayumi Wallpaper,,Animated Gifs and,
ICQ-Plus/Winamp Skins,sections.

If anyone should happen to find any non working links, please be so kind as 
to inform me, so that I might fix them.

Thank You for patronizing the site.  It is truly appreciated.

Wish List

I would like to get more fan-art and fiction to add some variety to the site.

Please, do not link directly to any files, but download them first, as it greatly slows down the performance of the site.
Things You Might Need

I no longer host MP3s since they are continually deleted by my servers.  If you do
want to play MP3s you will need a player.  You can find some good ones at,,MP3.com.

You can also download,,Winamp,for free.

You will need a zip/unzip program like, Winzip,to uncompress a lot of the files. 
You will also need some sort of plug in, such as,,Crescendo,or,Beatnik,to play 
the midi files that are on most pages.   A java enabled browser would help 
also but, only for the imbedded midis.

This site is best viewed  in,,Netscape Logo,and,Internet Explorer, at 800 x 600 pixels 
and 32 bit true color.  This site was built using a 15" monitor.  I have heard 
that it does not look any worse on a larger monitor.
Please sign my guestbook. Thank you.

^Media Search Anime Search Engine^
Ayumi Hamasaki Film Cell

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